
Brachymetatarsia: Understanding the Condition and Advanced Treatment Options at Acacia Foot & Ankle

Jun 14, 2024
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Brachymetatarsia is a condition characterized by an unusually short metatarsal bone. This abnormality can disrupt the normal alignment and function of the foot, leading to problems such as pain, difficulty in walking, and aesthetic concerns.

Causes and Etiology

The exact cause of brachymetatarsia is not always clear, but it is often attributed to genetics or developmental issues. It can occur due to premature closure of the growth plate in the metatarsal, which stunts the bone's growth. Other potential causes include trauma, infection, or underlying systemic diseases that affect bone growth. This condition is more commonly seen in females than males and often affects the fourth metatarsal.

Treatment Options for Brachymetatarsia

Conservative Treatments: Initial management of brachymetatarsia may involve conservative approaches such as orthotic devices to redistribute pressure away from the affected area, thereby relieving pain and discomfort. Physical therapy may also be recommended to strengthen surrounding muscles and improve foot function.

Bone Callus Distraction Procedure: For cases where conservative treatments are insufficient and significant pain persists, bone callus distraction, also known as gradual metatarsal lengthening, may be indicated. This surgical procedure involves making a precise cut in the short metatarsal and slowly stretching the bone using an external fixator. Over time, new bone forms in the gap, gradually lengthening the metatarsal until it reaches a more normal length.

Surgical Considerations and Risks

While bone callus distraction can effectively restore metatarsal length and improve foot function, it is important to note that the surgery carries certain risks, such as infection, delayed bone healing, and the need for further surgery. Due to these risks, surgery is generally only recommended if the patient experiences significant pain and functional impairment. It is not advised purely for cosmetic reasons.

Choosing the Right Care

At Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we emphasize a patient-centered approach to ensure that each treatment plan is tailored to the individual's needs and goals. Dr. Kaveh Panahi is committed to using the latest techniques and providing the highest standard of care to help patients achieve the best possible outcomes.

If you or someone you know is struggling with symptoms of brachymetatarsia, we encourage you to reach out to us. Early intervention and expert care can make a significant difference in managing this condition and improving your overall foot health and mobility. Contact Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons at 623-439-2200 or use our onlnie portal for more information or to schedule an appointment.


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