

Podiatry & Foot and Ankle Surgery located in Peoria and Phoenix, AZ



Many foot and ankle injuries, like sprains and strains, aren’t life-threatening and can heal in a few weeks with proper treatment and care. Serious injuries, however, such as foot or ankle fractures, require urgent medical treatment. Fortunately, Kaveh Panahi, DPM, at Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, offers expert injury care for patients of all ages in Peoria and Phoenix, Arizona. If you suspect you have an injury and are looking for innovative, healing treatments, call the us today at (623) 439-2200 or fill out an online appointment request.

Injuries Q&A

What can cause foot and ankle injuries? 

Foot and ankle injuries are common if you’re an athlete or if you exercise often. Injuries can also happen as a result of: 

  • ​​Tripping or falling
  • Landing awkwardly after a jump
  • Walking or running on uneven surfaces
  • Being in a car accident
  • Twisting or rotating your ankle
  • Rolling your ankle

Wearing ill-fitting shoes can also lead to an injury.

What are the symptoms of foot or ankle injuries?

If you have an injury that needs care, you may experience uncomfortable symptoms, such as: 

  • Sudden or severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Trouble walking 
  • Trouble putting weight on your injured foot
  • Ankle tenderness or stiffness 
  • Ankle deformity 

With tendinitis, you may notice sporadic pain or a snapping feeling around your ankle bone.

What foot and ankle injuries do you treat? 

Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons treats a variety of injuries, including:

  • Ankle sprains and strains
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Achilles tendon ruptures 
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Stress fractures 
  • Turf toe (a sprained big toe) 
  • Lacerations

Before deciding on a treatment plan, Dr. Panahi conducts a physical exam and may order an X-ray, MRI, or a stress test for a suspected fracture. 

What are treatment options for foot and ankle injuries? 

Conditions like plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, Achilles tendonitis, turf toe, and ankle sprains and strains can typically heal on their own without immediate medical care. 

However, if your injury is causing worrisome symptoms, schedule a visit with Dr. Panahi. He can monitor your injury and ensure you heal properly. 

Following the rest, icing, compression, and elevation (RICE) protocol is typically sufficient to treat minor injuries. You should rest your foot by keeping pressure off of it or by avoiding walking. Icing the area will help alleviate swelling and pain. 

Compressing the injured area with a wrap will immobilize it and promote healing. Keeping your foot elevated also reduces swelling and helps speed up your recovery process. 

Achilles tendon ruptures, lacerations on your foot, and foot or ankle fractures generally require more immediate care. Dr. Panahi may encourage more intensive treatments like stitches for cuts, surgery, rehabilitation, and casts or braces. 

Every injury is different, and it’s important to reach out to Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons if you sustain an injury or have persistent pain in your foot or ankle. To book an appointment, call the friendly staff at (623) 439-2200 or use the online scheduling tool.