
Expert Tips for Choosing the Best Footwear: A Podiatrist’s Perspective

Apr 14, 2024
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Today, we’re focusing on an often-overlooked aspect of health: your footwear. As a podiatrist, I understand how vital the correct shoes are for maintaining foot health and overall well-being.

Why Shoe Choice Matters

Your shoes impact more than just your feet; they affect your posture, joint health, and even your walking style. Inappropriate footwear can lead to common issues like blisters, bunions, and more severe conditions such as chronic back pain. Here’s how you can make informed choices to support your foot health.

1. Identifying Your Foot Type

The cornerstone of good footwear is understanding your foot type:

  • Flat feet need supportive, stabilizing shoes to prevent overpronation.  Learn More About Flatfoot Deformity. 
  • Neutral arches should aim for well-balanced shoes that offer moderate support.
  • High arches require increased cushioning and arch support for better shock absorption.

At Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we offer assessments to help you understand your foot type and find shoes that fit your specific needs.

2. Focus on Shoe Features

Consider these essential aspects when choosing your shoes:

  • Uppers: Soft, flexible materials like leather or mesh adapt well to the shape of your foot and allow for breathability. This will also prevent impingement of the superficial nerves on the top of the foot.
  • Insoles: These should provide ample support and fit the contours of your feet snugly.   Learn more about Custom Orthotics. 
  • Outsoles: Choose durable materials with good traction to reduce slip risks.
  • Heels: Opt for shoes with a low heel (no more than half an inch) to promote natural foot alignment.

3. Prioritize Proper Fit

Getting the right fit is essential:

  • Always have your feet measured, as foot size can change over the years.
  • Ensure there is sufficient space (about a thumb’s width) at the front of the shoe.
  • The back of the shoe should not allow your heel to slip out as you walk.
  • Choose a time later in the day to shop for shoes since feet typically expand throughout the day.

4. Shoes for Specific Health Conditions

For those with specific health conditions like diabetes or arthritis, choosing appropriate footwear is crucial. Diabetic footwear should minimize pressure points to avoid ulcers, while shoes designed for arthritis should facilitate ease of movement and comfort. Diabetic patients with neuropathy would benefit from special type of inserts that are made from softer material to avoid pressure points. 

5. When to Replace Your Shoes

Regularly assess your footwear for signs of wear and tear. An uneven sole or over-stretched sides can alter your foot alignment and walking pattern, necessitating a replacement.


Selecting the right shoes is a straightforward but crucial way to protect your health. At Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we're committed to helping you make choices that support your foot health. Investing in quality footwear means investing in a healthier future.

For tailored advice on selecting the perfect shoes, contact us at Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons. Let’s step into a healthier future together.


For more information and a consultation, please call us at 623.439.2200 or use the online portal to schedule your appointment.