
Understanding Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD) and Its Connection to Flat Foot Deformity

Apr 26, 2024
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Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD) is a condition that can significantly affect the structure and function of your foot, leading to flat foot deformity among other issues.

What is Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction (PTTD)?

PTTD is a progressive condition involving the deterioration or inflammation of the posterior tibial tendon, which is crucial for supporting the arch of your foot. The tendon plays a pivotal role in walking and standing, aiding in stabilizing the foot and ankle. Damage or weakening of this tendon can lead to a collapse of the foot's arch, resulting in what is commonly referred to as flat foot.

Stages of PTTD

Stage I: This early stage involves mild pain and swelling, primarily because the tendon is inflamed but not severely damaged. Patients may experience discomfort around the inside of the ankle and along the arch of the foot.

Stage II: As the condition worsens, the tendon stretches or tears. This leads to a noticeable flattening of the arch. Patients in this stage might find walking or standing for long periods challenging.

Stage III: This is characterized by a rigid flat foot where there is significant tendon damage and possibly arthritis in the foot's joints. Pain is more pronounced and can limit functionality severely.

Stage IV: The most severe stage, involving the ankle joint. Arthritis may develop in the ankle in addition to the deformity in the foot.


Connection Between PTTD and Flat Foot Deformity

PTTD directly contributes to the development of flat foot deformity as the dysfunction or weakening of the posterior tibial tendon fails to provide the necessary support for the arch of the foot. Over time, this leads to the progressive flattening of the foot, altering gait and impacting overall foot mechanics.


Conservative Treatments at Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons

At our clinic, under Dr. Kaveh Panahi's expertise, we begin with conservative treatments aimed at alleviating pain and preventing further deterioration of the tendon. These options include:

  • Orthotic Devices: Custom orthotics designed to support the arch and reduce the load on the tendon. Learn More About Custom Orthotics. 
  • Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises to strengthen the foot, improve mobility, and reduce the symptoms of PTTD.
  • Bracing: Ankle braces or specially designed boots may be used to restrict movement and allow the tendon to rest and heal.
  • Anti-inflammatory Medications: To help manage pain and reduce inflammation.


Surgical Options

When conservative treatments are not sufficient to alleviate the symptoms or if the condition has progressed to a more advanced stage, surgical interventions may be necessary. Our surgical treatments include:

  • Tendon Repair Surgery: This involves repairing the damaged tendon and, if necessary, transferring an adjacent tendon to support the arch.
  • Tendon Transfer: This procedure is preserved for patients with significant damage to the Posterior Tibial Tendon that is beyong repair. In this case a nearby tendon is used to restor the function of the Posterior Tibial Tendon.
  • Osteotomy: This procedure realigns the bones of the foot to correct the deformity.
  • Arthrodesis: Fusing the bones in the foot to correct the deformity and stabilize the joint, used in more severe cases.


Why Choose Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons?

At Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons, we understand the complexities associated with PTTD and are dedicated to providing personalized and effective treatment plans. Led by Dr. Kaveh Panahi, our team is equipped with the latest technology and has a profound commitment to improving patient outcomes through both established and innovative treatment methods.



If you suspect you might be suffering from symptoms of PTTD, early intervention is crucial. Contact us at Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kaveh Panahi. We are here to help you step back into comfort and regain your foot health and functionality with the best care possible.

For more information and to book a consultation, visit our website or call us directly. Let us help you take your first step towards recovery.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Don't let foot pain hold you back. Contact Acacia Foot and Ankle Surgeons at 623.439.2200 or use our online portal to schedule your appointment online. Take the first step towards pain-free walking with our expert team!